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(herald macros (env tsys))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Yale University nor of any
;;; adaptation thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
;;; without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
;;;; Standard macros
(define-safe-syntax (define . x)
(| (symbol? #f)
((symbol? . formals-list?) . (+ #f)))
(cond ((pair? (car x))
`(,(t-syntax 'define-variable-value) ,(caar x)
(,(t-syntax 'named-lambda) ,(caar x) ,(cdar x) . ,(cdr x))))
((null? (cddr x))
`(,(t-syntax 'define-variable-value) ,(car x) ,(cadr x)))
(syntax-error "illegal definition syntax~% ~S" `(define . ,x)))))
(define-syntax (define-integrable . x)
`(,(t-syntax 'define-constant) . ,x))
(define-safe-syntax (define-constant . x)
(| (symbol? #f)
((symbol? . formals-list?) . (+ #f)))
(receive (ok? var val)
(cond ((pair? (car x))
(return t
(caar x)
`(,(t-syntax 'named-lambda) ,(caar x) ,(cdar x) . ,(cdr x))))
((null? (cddr x))
(return t (car x) (cadr x)))
(return nil nil nil)))
(if (not ok?)
(syntax-error "illegal definition syntax~% ~S" `(define-constant . ,x))
`(,(t-syntax 'block)
(,(t-syntax 'declare) constant ,var)
(,(t-syntax 'define-variable-value) ,var ,val)))))
(define-syntax (define-recursive . x)
(cond ((pair? (car x))
`(,(t-syntax 'define-variable-value) ,(caar x)
(,(t-syntax 'named-lambda) ,(caar x) ,(cdar x)
(labels ((,(car x) ,@(cdr x)))
,(car x)))))
((null? (cddr x))
;++ this should probably be an error
`(,(t-syntax 'define-variable-value) ,(car x)
(labels ((,(car x) ,(cadr x)))
,(car x))))
(syntax-error "illegal definition syntax~% ~S"
`(define-recursive . ,x)))))
;;; We use BLOCK here to keep the LSET-VARIABLE-VALUE at top level.
;;; Returning PLACE is done for compatibility with T2.
(define-syntax (lset place value)
`(,(t-syntax 'block)
(,(t-syntax 'lset-variable-value) ,place ,value)
(define-syntax (define-handler name . body)
(let ((type (concatenate-symbol 'header/ name))
(handler (concatenate-symbol 'handle- name)))
(define ,handler ,@body)
(set (vref *handlers* (fx-ashr ,type 2)) ,handler)
(define-syntax (set place value)
(let ((var (generate-symbol 'set)))
`(let ((,var ,value))
,(cond ((atom? place)
`(,(t-syntax 'set-variable-value) ,place ,var))
`((setter ,(car place)) ,@(cdr place) ,var)))
(define-syntax (locative form)
(cond ((atom? form)
`(,(t-syntax 'var-locative) ,form))
`(make-locative ,@form)))) ; ??
(define-syntax (delay x)
`(make-delay (,(t-syntax 'lambda) () ,x)))
(define (blockify x)
(cond ((atom? x) ''#f)
((atom? (cdr x)) (car x))
(else `(,(t-syntax 'block) ,@x))))
(define-safe-syntax (block0 val . body)
(+ #f)
(let ((g (generate-symbol 'block0)))
`((,(t-syntax 'lambda) (,g) ,@body ,g) ,val)))
(define-safe-syntax (define-structure-type type-id . specs)
(symbol? (@ symbol?) . (| null? ((* valid-method-form?))))
(let ((stype (concatenate-symbol type-id '-stype)))
(receive (handler specs)
(let* ((last (last specs))
(h (cond ((not (pair? last)) '())
(else last))))
(return `(object nil
((crawl-exhibit self)
(exhibit-structure self))
((print self port)
(print-structure self port)) ;??
((structure-type self) ,stype))
(if (pair? last)
(delq last specs)
`(block (define ,stype (make-stype ',type-id ',specs '#f))
(set (stype-handler ,stype) ,handler)
(define ,(concatenate-symbol 'make- type-id)
(stype-constructor ,stype))
(define ,(concatenate-symbol type-id '?)
(stype-predicator ,stype))
,@(do ((s specs (cdr s))
(i 2 (fx+ i 4))
(z '()
(cons `(define-constant
,(concatenate-symbol type-id '- (car s))
(make-structure-accessor ,stype ,i ',(car s)))
((null? s) (reverse! z)))
;;; iteration constructs
(define-syntax (label clause-1 . rest)
(let ((form-iterate (lambda (name varinits body)
`(,(t-syntax 'labels)
((,name (,(t-syntax 'lambda) ,(map car varinits)
. ,body)))
(,name . ,(map cadr varinits))))))
(if (symbol? clause-1)
(form-iterate clause-1 (car rest) (cdr rest))
(form-iterate (car clause-1) (cdr clause-1) rest))))
;;; Pattern doesn't allow for (ITERATE (FOO (X 1) ...) ...)
(define-safe-syntax (iterate clause-1 . rest)
(symbol? (* (symbol? #f)) . (+ #f))
(let ((form-iterate (lambda (name varinits body)
`(,(t-syntax 'labels)
((,name (,(t-syntax 'lambda) ,(map car varinits)
. ,body)))
(,name . ,(map cadr varinits))))))
(if (symbol? clause-1)
(form-iterate clause-1 (car rest) (cdr rest))
(form-iterate (car clause-1) (cdr clause-1) rest))))
;;; expand into explicit lambda's in the rhs's of labelses, so as to
;;; increase the information content of backtrace output. (otherwise the
;;; local procedures handle identification, and you get lots of loop's and
;;; do.137's in the backtrace.)
(define-safe-syntax (do specs end . body)
((* (| (symbol? #f #f) (symbol? #f) (symbol?)))
(+ #f)
. (* #f))
(let ((loop (generate-symbol 'do)))
`(,(t-syntax 'labels)
((,loop (,(t-syntax 'lambda) ,(map car specs)
(,(t-syntax 'cond) ,end
(else ,(blockify
,@(map (lambda (y)
(if (and (cdr y) (cddr y))
(caddr y)
(car y)))
(,loop ,@(map (lambda (y) (if (cdr y) (cadr y) ''#f)) specs)))))
;;; (unwind-protect body . unwind-forms)
(define-safe-syntax (unwind-protect body . unwind-forms)
((* #f) . (+ #f))
`(unwind-protect-handler (,(t-syntax 'lambda) () ,body)
(,(t-syntax 'lambda) () . ,unwind-forms)))
;;; (with-output-to-string var . body) binds VAR to an output port
;;; and executes the body. Anything written to the output port
;;; during the execution of body is accumulated in a string, which
;;; is returned as the value of the with-output-to-string-expression.
;(define-safe-syntax (with-output-to-string pat . body)
; (symbol? . (+ #f))
; (let ((var (if (pair? pat) (car pat) pat)))
; `(let ((,var (make-output-to-string-stream)))
; ,@body
; (close ,var))))
(define-safe-syntax (with-output-to-string pat . body)
(symbol? . (+ #f))
(let ((var (if (pair? pat) (car pat) pat)))
`(,(t-syntax 'let) ((,var (get-buffer)))
(let ((val (buffer->string ,var)))
(release-buffer ,var)
(define-safe-syntax (with-input-from-string pat . body)
((symbol? #f) . (+ #f))
(let ((var (car pat))
(string (cadr pat)))
`(,(t-syntax 'let) ((,var (string->input-port ,string)))
(,(t-syntax 'block0) ,(blockify body)
(close ,var)))))
;++ This isn't used or released should we flush it.
;;; (with-output-to-list var . body) is like (string->list
;;; (with-output-to-string var . body)). It could be implemented
;;; more efficiently but i'm too lazy to do so.
(define-syntax (with-output-to-list var . body)
`(string->list (with-output-to-string ,var . ,body)))
;;; (WITH-OUTPUT-WIDTH-port VAR . BODY) is like
;;; WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING, but instead of accumulating characters
;;; in a string, it counts them. the value returned is the number
;;; of characters counted. For an example see the definition
;;; of printwidth.
(define-syntax (with-output-width-port var . body)
`(let ((,var (make-output-width-port)))
(close ,var)))
;;; with-open-ports
(define-safe-syntax (with-open-ports specs . body)
((* (symbol? #f)) . (+ #f))
(,(t-syntax 'lambda) ,(map car specs)
. ,body)
,@(map (lambda (spec)
`(,(t-syntax 'lambda) () ,(cadr spec)))
;;; random
(define-syntax (import env . vars)
(let ((g (generate-symbol 'import)))
`(,(t-syntax 'let) ((,g ,env))
,@(map (lambda (var)
(let ((var (enforce symbol? var )))
`(,(t-syntax 'define) ,var (*value ,g ',var))))
;(define-syntax (export env . vars)
; (let ((g (generate-symbol 'export)))
; `(let ((g ,env))
; ,@(map (lambda (var) `(*define ,g ',var ,var))
; vars))))
(define-syntax (require name . maybe-path)
(cond (maybe-path
`(*require ',name ',(car maybe-path) (,(t-syntax 'the-environment))))
`(*require '() ',name (,(t-syntax 'the-environment))))))
(define-syntax (catch var . body)
`(*catch (,(t-syntax 'lambda) (,var) . ,body)))
(define-syntax (comment . rest)
(ignore rest)
''comment) ; a tradition of sorts.
(define-syntax (ignore . vars)
`(,(t-syntax 'declare) ignore . ,vars))
(define-syntax (ignorable . vars)
`(,(t-syntax 'declare) ignorable . ,vars))
(define-syntax (herald . rest)
(syntax-error "herald form in illegal context~% ~s"
`(herald . ,rest)))
;;; This is used for critical sections, usually for heap integrety
;;; or other GC related reason.
(define-syntax (defer-interrupts . body)
`(,(t-syntax 'block) ,@body))
;(define-syntax (defer-interrupts . body)
; `(block (disable-interrupts)
; (let ((val (block ,@body)))
; (enable-interrupts)
; val)))
;;; Free list versions of POP and PUSH
(define-syntax (free-push form thing)
(let ((fetch (generate-symbol 'fetch))
(store (generate-symbol 'store)))
`(,(t-syntax 'modify-location) , form
(,(t-syntax 'lambda) (,fetch ,store)
(,store (cons-from-freelist ,thing (,fetch)))))))
(define-syntax (free-pop form)
`(,(t-syntax 'modify-location) ,form
(,(t-syntax 'lambda) (fetch store)
(,(t-syntax 'let*) ((temp (fetch)) (v (car temp)))
(store (cdr temp))
(return-to-freelist temp)
;*** (WITH-BUFFERS specs . BODY)
;*** =======================================================================
;*** This macro is used to allocate and release one or more buffers.
;*** Specs is a list of (name size) pairs. If size is omitted then
;*** the minimum buffer size (64 bytes) is used. With-buffers forces
;*** the release of the named buffers on a throw past the binders.
(define-safe-syntax (with-buffers specs . body)
((* (symbol? . (| null? (#f)))) . (+ #f))
(cond ((every? valid-spec? specs)
`(let (,@(map (lambda (spec)
(cond ((atom? (cdr spec))
`(,(car spec) (get-buffer)))
`(,(car spec) (get-buffer-of-size
,(cadr spec))))))
(receive vals (block ,@body)
,@(map (lambda (spec)
`(release-buffer ,(car spec)))
(apply return vals))))
(syntax-error "illegal spec~% ~S"
`(with-buffer ,specs . ,body)))))
;;; Define a simple switch.
(define-syntax (define-simple-switch name type . initial-value)
`(define ,name (make-simple-switch ',name ,type ,@initial-value)))
;;; Useful for defining unimplemented procedures
(define-syntax (define-unimplemented pat . msg)
(destructure (((name . args) pat))
(let ((fmt (if msg
"~a is unimplemented~%**~11t~a"
"~a is unimplemented")))
`(define (,name ,@args)
(error ,fmt (identification ,name) ,@msg)))))
;;; Assert - (assert (fixnum? x) (float? y) (structure? z))
(define-syntax (assert . types)
(,(t-syntax 'declare) assert ,@types)
;;; syntax-related stuff
(define-safe-syntax (safe-macro-expander pat pattern . rest)
((symbol? . formals-list?) #f . (+ #f))
(let* ((pat (enforce pair? pat ))
(symbol (car pat))
(args (cdr pat))
(z (generate-symbol 'macro)))
`(make-macro-descriptor (,(t-syntax 'named-lambda) ,symbol (,z)
(,(t-syntax 'ignorable) ,z)
;; careful! look at disclose-macro-expander.
(,(t-syntax 'destructure) (((#f . ,args) ,z))
. ,rest))
(,(t-syntax 'pattern-predicate) ,pattern)
(define-safe-syntax (define-safe-syntax pat pattern . rest)
(| (symbol? #f #f)
((symbol? . formals-list?) #f . (+ #f)))
(let ((construct
(lambda (symbol descr)
(let ((symbol (enforce symbol? symbol)))
`(*define-syntax (,(t-syntax 'the-environment))
(cond ((pair? pat)
(construct (car pat)
`(,(t-syntax 'safe-macro-expander)
,pat ,pattern . ,rest)))
(construct pat (car rest))))))
;;; Unsafe versions of the above
(define-safe-syntax (macro-expander pat . rest)
((symbol? . formals-list?) . (+ #f))
(let ((pattern
(if (null? (cdr pat))
(iterate loop ((l (cdr pat)) (pat '()))
(cond ((null? l) pat)
((atom? l) (append! pat 'true))
(loop (cdr l) (cons '#f pat))))))))
`(,(t-syntax 'safe-macro-expander) ,pat
. ,rest)))
(define-safe-syntax (define-syntax pat . rest)
(| (symbol? #f)
((symbol? . formals-list?) . (+ #f)))
(let ((construct
(lambda (symbol descr)
(let ((symbol (enforce symbol? symbol)))
`(*define-syntax (,(t-syntax 'the-environment))
(cond ((pair? pat)
(construct (car pat)
`(,(t-syntax 'macro-expander) ,pat . ,rest)))
(cond ((not (null? (cdr rest)))
(syntax-error "too many subforms~% ~s"
`(define-syntax ,pat . ,rest))))
(construct pat (car rest))))))